General information about company

Scrip code535514
NSE Symbol
MSEI Symbol
Whether company is SMENo
Class of SecurityEquity Shares
Type of reportQuarterly
Quarter Ended / Half year ended/Date of Report (For Prelisting / Allotment)30-06-2018
Date of allotment / extinguishment (in case Capital Restructuring selected) / Listing Date
Shareholding pattern filed underRegulation 31 (1) (b)


Sr. No.ParticularYes/No Promoter and Promoter GroupPublic shareholder Non Promoter- Non Public
1Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares?No NoNo No
2Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities ?No NoNo No
3Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warrants ?No NoNo No
4Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against which depository receipts are issued?No NoNo No
5Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in?No NoNo No
6Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwise encumbered?No No
7Whether company has equity shares with differential voting rights?No NoNo No

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of (A+B+C)
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group34903514903514.94903514903514.9
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table I - Summary Statement holding of specified securities

Category (I)Category of shareholder (II)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)
(A)Promoter & Promoter Group4.9490351
(C)Non Promoter- Non Public
(C1)Shares underlying DRs
(C2)Shares held by Employee Trusts

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.Category & Name of the Shareholders (I)Nos. Of shareholders (III)No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
No of Voting (XIV) RightsTotal as a % of Total Voting rights
Class eg: XClass eg:yTotal
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
(a)Individuals/Hindu undivided Family132600326000.3332600326000.33
(d)Any Other (specify)24577514577514.584577514577514.58
Sub-Total (A)(1)34903514903514.94903514903514.9
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 34903514903514.94903514903514.9
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
( 3 )Non-institutions
(a(i))Individuals - i.Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs. 2 lakhs. 6342177921217792121.782177921217792121.78
(a(ii))Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.443145699314569931.463145699314569931.46
(e)Any Other (specify)824186129418612941.864186129418612941.86
Sub-Total (B)(3)7609509749950974995.19509749950974995.1
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)7609509749950974995.19509749950974995.1
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )76310000100100001001001000010010000100100
Total (A+B+C )76310000100100001001001000010010000100100

Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

Sr.No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities ( as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)Number of Locked in shares (XII)Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)
No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)No. (a)As a % of total Shares held (b)
ATable II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group
Sub-Total (A)(1)4.9490351
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A)=(A)(1)+(A)(2) 4.9490351
BTable III - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Public shareholder
( 3 )Non-institutions
Sub-Total (B)(3)95.18453399
Total Public Shareholding (B)=(B)(1)+(B)(2)+(B)(3)95.18453399
CTable IV - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder
Total ( A+B+C2 )1008943750
Total (A+B+C )1008943750

Individuals/Hindu undivided Family

Searial No.1
Name of the Shareholders (I)Vimal JoshiClick here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)3260032600
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)3260032600
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)0.330.33
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg:X3260032600
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights0.330.33
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(Xi)(a) As a % of (A+B+C2)0.330.33
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)3260032600
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Shareholder typePromoter

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.12
CategoryBodies CorporateBodies CorporateClick here to go back
No. of the Shareholders (I)112
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)207751250000457751
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)207751250000457751
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X207751250000457751
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights2.082.54.58
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)207751250000457751
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN
Shareholder typePromoter GroupPromoter Group

Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.

Searial No.1234567
Name of the Shareholders (I)Rajendra Kr. KothariRajeshwar Prasad DubeyKusum HarshRaj Kumar SharmaAshok RangaSarbeswar ParidaSushila Devi Harash
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)100000101000102640345400139600149000157925
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)100000101000102640345400139600149000157925
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X100000101000102640345400139600149000157925
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights11.011.033.451.41.491.58
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)0101000102640345400139600149000157925
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.

Searial No.89
Name of the Shareholders (I)Krishna Devi Purohit .Kamala Devi AcharyaClick here to go back
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)1876852607851544035
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)1876852607851544035
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)1.882.6115.44
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X1876852607851544035
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights1.882.6115.44
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)1.882.6115.44
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)1876852607851444035
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.1234567
CategoryBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies Corporate
Category / More than 1 percentageMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholding
Name of the Shareholders (I)ATN International LimitedMachindranath Multitrade Pvt LtdNarayan Suppliers Private LimitedDivya Drishti Traders Pvt LtdRural Electrificatio Corporation LtdFlame Dealers Private LimitedFinetrade Mercantile Company Pvt Ltd
No. of the Shareholders (I)1111111
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)103073114350117800125700138075148000246400
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)103073114350117800125700138075148000246400
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X103073114350117800125700138075148000246400
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights1.
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)103073114350117800125700138075148000246400
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN

Any Other (specify)

Searial No.891011
CategoryBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies CorporateBodies Corporate
Category / More than 1 percentageMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholdingMore than 1 percentage of shareholding
Name of the Shareholders (I)Brijdham Dealcom Pvt. Ltd.Quads Vinimay Private LimitedCelebrity Traders Private LimitedGulistan Vanijya Pvt. Ltd.Click here to go back
No. of the Shareholders (I)11110
No. of fully paid up equity shares held (IV)2635003130003208853315410
No. Of Partly paid-up equity shares held (V)
No. Of shares underlying Depository Receipts (VI)
Total nos. shares held (VII) = (IV)+(V)+ (VI)2635003130003208853315410
Shareholding as a % of total no. of shares (calculated as per SCRR, 1957) (VIII) As a % of (A+B+C2)2.633.133.213.320
Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)
Class eg: X2635003130003208853315410
Class eg:y
Total as a % of Total Voting rights2.633.133.213.320
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities (X)
No. of Shares Underlying Outstanding Warrants (Xi)
No. Of Shares Underlying Outstanding convertible securities and No. Of Warrants (Xi) (a)
Shareholding , as a % assuming full conversion of convertible securities (as a percentage of diluted share capital) (XI)= (VII)+(X) As a % of (A+B+C2)2.633.133.213.320
Number of Locked in shares (XII)
No. (a)
As a % of total Shares held (b)
Number of equity shares held in dematerialized form (XIV)2635003130003208853315410
Reason for not providing PAN
Reason for not providing PAN